Provisioning multiple user profile service applications in SharePoint 2010

Posted: Tuesday, 22 May 2012 by Khalid Ameerodien in Labels:

So you have multiple user profile service applications but do not know how to provision 2 of them at the same time? Never fear for as long as you have more than 1 SharePoint Servers in your Farm you will be able to provision multiple User profile Service applications.

There is 1 snag though in that the user profile synchronization service which provisions the User profile service application has a 1 to 1 relationship with the server ie you can start only one instance of the service per server. So basically navigate to Manager services on server in Central Admin then start user profile synchronization service and associate it with UPSA A. Once completed select another server under manange services and start the user profile synchronization service on UPSA B. Now you have 2 User profile service applications provisioned at the same time in your farm.