Remember me missing from custom login screen

Posted: Monday, 19 September 2011 by Khalid Ameerodien in Labels:

I came across a situation recently when one of our custom login pages had lost the remember me check box!! Needless to say it had me baffled and I could not find an apt solution for the problem. Further investigation revealed that the code on the page was being removed when navigating to the page via the browser.

I have to give credit to my mentor for this one as he figured it out in a fraction of the time I had spent on it *shock horror* much thanks Brad visit his blog at Bradley Geldenhuys

It was discovered that UsesessionCookies was set to true when checking the SPsecuritytokenserviceconfig. This can be rectified by running the following in powershell:

$sts = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig
$sts.UseSessionCookies = $false

And presto the remember me was back.