Sorry, you don't have access to this page

Posted: Monday 15 September 2014 by Khalid Ameerodien in

So I had this weird problem. Any new site collection or subsite we created even as the system account would give us the above error. Although we could navigate the site but we could not activate the publishing features or navigate to the landing page. I went scratching in the web.config and noted the following from a working environment vs the broken one:

Broken Web APP
<add key="aspnet:AllowAnonymousImpersonation" value="true" />

Working Web APP
<add key="aspnet:AllowAnonymousImpersonation" value="false" />

I made this change and all was sorted


So a client recently experienced this issue when they were trying to use a site template they had created. Upon investigation it turns out that a content type in the content type hub had a few null values. I confirmed this by unpacking the wsp and checking the ElementsFields.xml and noted that there were a few values set to ''. I found this nifty little script online @ I ran the script on the content type hub URL so that it could replicate across all sites where it was having the issue. We then recreated the site template and bam all was good!

$site = Get-SPSite "site collection url goes hurr"
 $Web =$site.RootWeb

 for($i = $Web.Fields.count -1; $i -ge 0; $i--)
 $field = $Web.fields[$i]
 [XML]$schema = $field.schemaxml 
 if ( $schema.InnerXML.Contains("Hidden=""""")){
 $schema.field.Hidden = "FALSE"
 $field.schemaxml = $schema.Innerxml
 Write-Host $field "HIDDEN: " $schema.field.Hidden 
 if ( $schema.InnerXML.Contains("Sealed=""""")){
 Write-Host $field "Sealed: " $schema.field.Sealed 
 $field.Sealed = "FALSE"
 if ( $schema.InnerXML.Contains("Required=""""")){
 Write-Host $field "Required: " $schema.field.Sealed 
 $field.Required = "FALSE"

Missing Server Side Dependencies THE DREADED SEARCH WEBPARTS!!

Posted: Friday 10 May 2013 by Khalid Ameerodien in

So I was receiving tons of missing WebPart errors for the following GUIDS in Health Analyser:

[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [baf5274e-a800-8dc3-96d0-0003d9405663]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [07f48b68-2e69-c86a-ebe4-16359e03ebc2]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [23091f6c-295d-4493-504c-1714a20d65a2]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [7d319bdd-d90e-7861-b7f0-2f9f4cec3004]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [888f7af5-05f1-4d07-1143-4b24c394b67b]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [c744e2b2-158c-c2f8-2f80-54bf046ff644]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [0a60f514-1dea-8537-b588-64ee5e224da3] 
MissingWebPart] WebPart class [b2b35bdf-5e78-ab22-5351-6639ca63203f]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [9f56656f-6aa3-0d55-a812-711bf65864ea]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [9637ed85-7d44-e135-35ba-73ce390ebf93]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [2fc2e287-55c9-b5d1-0d5c-7458bc3c9841]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [8acac35f-e9d3-95c3-76c7-76fe034cef50]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [f9c020f4-bcb2-3629-0460-9e5ec4c9de93]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [bc8768f7-7d8c-1d56-b5a5-bb19cca9c7b8]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [dc4f0aa3-bdd4-3394-6372-cd263a7a9cd0]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [83d7efb5-5a0a-0d4e-fc32-cf0eae4b6cb1]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [42b6d12b-947f-6ec4-9540-dc2f3e8f2425]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [3517e131-b02d-114b-1df2-dd9fa67b90c6]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [9afe11f2-9603-ac36-62a9-debeb61bcac0]
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [d46a22f8-7373-12cb-4e07-e1b78e3dba96] 
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [874f5460-71f9-fecc-e894-e7e858d9713e] 
[MissingWebPart] WebPart class [0ff9a0d5-1514-7a3b-fb97-fccbc902e380]

Upon inspection I noted that they were search web parts SHOCKING!!. So I set about the usual that would be viewing search pages etc then running the health analyser again but low and behold still no dice. I noted some were referenced in the Admin Content DB so I went and checked site settings and noted that the Search Server Webparts feature was disabled. I enabled it in Central admin and that took care of the admin content db errors however there were still a million of references in the other content DB's

I done some testing and some reading and noted that the health analyser job apparently is not smart enough to distinguish which servers are WFE servers and which are APP servers and would report the webparts as missing but they were infact on the farm. I then done some research further on the Health analyser and noted that it would look at the web.config on ever server for every SharePoint WebApp. This got me thinking why not just copy the inetpub folders from the WFE to each server in the same location and the same for the Central Admin folder as then the web.configs would be on all servers.

So I tested this and low and behold no more search dependency errors. 

Certificate Validation errors in SharePoint 2013

Posted: Monday 5 November 2012 by Khalid Ameerodien in Labels: ,

So everyone by now should have had a taste of 2013 if not what are you doing!!! With every new technology comes new pains as well as some good things one of my pains went something along the lines of:
"A certificate validation operation took 30007.5449 milliseconds and has exceeded the execution time threshold.  If this continues to occur, it may represent a configuration issue.  Please see for more details."

*Shock horror* my logs were inundated with errors of the like also I was having tons of topology errors and endpoint failures. Now I popped open MMC and added the certificates snap in and selected local computer to check what certificate was causing me this grief.

I navigated to the SharePoint folder and opened one of the certificates and noted the following:

Aha!! Found you. I actually never found it as fast as I made it out to be. Once I narrowed it down I then remembered that I had something similar before and had to generate a cert via powershell. So I done the following in the SharePoint Management Shell:

$rootCert = (Get-SPCertificateAuthority).RootCertificate
$rootCert.Export(“Cer”) | Set-Content C:\root.cer –Encoding Byte

Once done I went back into the certificates snap in and imported the certificate into the trusted root certificate authorities. Once done the bulk of the errors disappeared and my logs looked much better and I had no more topology errors as well. Now for the last few remaining cert errors (1 or 2 per hour) I checked the local computer policy. Pop Open gpedit.msc and navigate to "Computer Configuration > Windows > Security Settings > Public Key Policies > Certificate Path Validation Settings". On the Network Retrieval tab, define the policy and uncheck “Automatically update certificates in the Microsoft Root Certificate Program. After you have defined this run a gpupdate /force and you should no longer have these errors in your event logs

The required feature is not enabled for this column type.

Posted: Monday 11 June 2012 by Khalid Ameerodien in Labels:

I was creating metadata columns in a Content type hub when I noticed I could not access the termstore instead I received the error in the subject. I done some research and found that it was a hidden feature that was not enabled that could not be activated via the UI. Hello powershell :D I ran the following and all was good:

Enable-SPFeature -id "73ef14b1-13a9-416b-a9b5-ececa2b0604c" -Url <Site-Url>

Changing the content type hub location on your Metadata Service Application

Posted: by Khalid Ameerodien in Labels:

Run the following via powershell substituting the placeholders with the relevant information of your environment:
Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity "<ServiceApplication>" -HubURI "<HubURI>"

Removing old users from the User Information List

Posted: Wednesday 30 May 2012 by Khalid Ameerodien in Labels:

This list is usually not editable but you can edit it by going to http://SITECOLLECTIONNAME//_layouts/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0

You will then be able to remove the old users and they should then not appear in people picker.